Sales of some vegetables have soared by up to 300 percent following moves by a number of New Zealand supermarkets to ditch plastic packaging.
A group of New World supermarkets
Read more from the New Zealand Herald
Sales of some vegetables have soared by up to 300 percent following moves by a number of New Zealand supermarkets to ditch plastic packaging.
A group of New World supermarkets
Read more from the New Zealand Herald
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As a child, one of my worst nightmares was finding myself living in a world full of garbage all around. Sadly today, this nightmare is quite a real one.
Look no farther from the containers in your street, if you’re lucky, they are only just overflowing with some cardboard and small canisters, plastic wraps, boxes, drink leftovers, but if you’re not, you could find anything, and I literally mean “anything”.
If you’ve witnessed a similar panorama too, how did you feel? Powerless? Angry or just annoyed? If you felt anything you already did a good thing, at least you showed some empathy! Most people will only follow the flow to get rid of their trash no matter how. Think in terms of third world countries where there is no public service to pick up the trash, where recycling is really a luxury and where it is the lowest casts of society that take on the dirty jobs .
We would think that in our first-world cities, this wouldn’t happen, but from New York to Tokyo, we see similar panoramas in the streets, not as crude as in really poor countries, but not far behind.
When I traveled to Naples in 2016 I could not believe my eyes, when I saw the Dantesque landscape of the streets of this once flourishing empire, now left to its corrupt politicians will decide on the city’s waste management budget in uncertain manners, that leave the city as the trash pit it turned to be.
In Switzerland where polluting and failing to recycle is prohibited by law, its hard to see this kind of panorama, at least, but in countries where the law is handled “slightly” less seriously ( irony intended ), like in Spain ( still not as bad as in Italy though) you will often have to shrug your face while walking next to the dumpsters.
Switzerland prohibits and punishes people’s bad recycling habits with fines and even jail time and this is a reason why it is so tidy and neat and why the country has the second-highest recycling rate in the European Union after Germany with an official 75%.
Of course, not everything is recycled, but at least you won’t see dumpsters filled with anything but the intended type of trash its meant for.
A “garbage Armageddon” or garbageddon as I call it, is here right now and probably at your favorite holiday destination as well. Sorry to alarm you, but sooner than you think you may have to bathe in plastic trash instead of azure waters.
You may find out that the fish you ordered at the hotel restaurant had plastics that went into your stomach then to your bloodstream to end up forever somewhere in your system waiting to start cancer when you don’t expect it.
Unfortunately, we won’t easily solve this issue just cleaning up the ocean, which initiatives like the Ocean Cleanup claim they can do, as there is too much plastic laying at the bottom of the sea and floating between algae which can’t be recovered by simple and economical means.
In order to prevent this scenario from getting worse, we should act at the root of the problem, on solid ground where we initially produce the trash. We need to think deeper before we produce anything at all. Sadly, due to the fever of capitalism, this won’t happen soon enough to stop the #garbageddon, which today as of [xyz-ips snippet=”today”], is already unfolding.
We have become too dependent on plastic and other materials during many generations and as we have avoided the issue now we are really starting to see the price to be paid. We are indeed accomplices to this crime against our planet.
Do we need this to get worse? Everywhere we are hearing about global warming, which is a HUGE issue we also need to solve, but this “Garbageddon” as I call it, is also an urgent one. The plastic issue may soon be irreversible and many others in this fast-evolving situation.
How can blockchain technology help tackle this problem?
The term blockchain is the name of a technology that dates back to 2008 and which allows keeping track of transactions securely between 2 or more peers, where a ‘peer’ is a person, a company, an institution, or an automated machine or piece of software.
The great part about i is that it does not need centralized servers to provide the service, and thus it can work as a self-regulated network made by the peer’s communications which act as nodes. It’s analogous to a distributed database where the “nodes” manage the data. All the peers in the network manage the changes happening inside the network which are regulated by consensual algorithms and contracts.
At any time all of the peers of the blockchain can verify that all the public information inside the blockchain is correct and that it follows the consensus algorithm and complies with the network rules set up by the creators of the network.
The first use of the Blockchain was to fuel the Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that allows anyone to make anonymous and safe transactions without a centralized bank. Its applications led to start a true financial revolution that is now affecting how society will function in the future.
At the beginning of its birth, the term cryptocurrency was reserved for geeks. Today there are many globally accepted crypto-currencies of which values constantly change due to the global demand. Just to name a few, there is BitcoinCash, Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, and many more. Many companies have even created their own cryptocurrencies in order to get funding at the early stage in which is commonly called “Initial Coin Offerings” or ICO’s.
Many ICOs have gone viral and helped companies to startup quickly without any the help of investment funds. So many applications of this tech are appearing every day, that it would take a lot of space to name them all, but this is proof that this tech is getting stronger every day, and its a good time to invest in it and help it develop. Legal, medical, logistics, and many other sectors are adopting it. Big companies like IBM are offering cloud services to host blockchains and day by day there are new services born based on the blockchain.
Nonetheless, for this tech to correctly function lots of computing power is required, but the beauty of the Blockchain is that it can be absolutely independent of any centralized system, and peers can act collectively as nodes of a vast global supercomputer that provides the calculations to compute all the calculations needed by it.
Of course, big names like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, want to take the biggest piece in this “crypto cake” and offer their supercomputers to host privately owned blockchains, but the beauty of it would be if no-one was truly able to get the monopoly of it.
There is a huge battle going on between those who want a fully distributed and globally decentralized blockchain system and those who want to gain strategic control.
Until now producers were the main actors in all issues pertaining to garbage. Producers were the ones who initially generated trash making the products and materials. As the consumer and industrial products became more sophisticated adding many types of combined parts and materials, they became even harder and more costly to recycle.
We know for sure that, in the case of plastics, 91% of it is not recycled, globally according to the National Geographic article “A Whopping 91% of Plastic Isn’t Recycled”.
Due to the recycling costs, most of the products finish their lifecycle piled up on landfills or junkyards or sitting on some beach waiting to be picked up whenever.
The Politicians and lawmakers. give permission to manufacturers and allow products to enter the market. Their political decisions need to satisfy both consumers and manufacturers and often fail to take into account their full ecological impact, letting nature decide what to do with the trash.
This is unfair for nature, which has always generated self decomposing materials! Sadly politicians are “victims” of lobbyists, the agents of what politically correct we can describe as legalized bribery with a tint of conflict of interest. Many so-called modern “democracies” allow politicians to favor companies that spend a lot of their time in convincing them.
Consumers are the most important of all actors as they really have the final decision. Most of the time, consumers are badly informed, and blatantly framed by producers. E.g: apple producers fool them into thinking for example that plastic-wrapped apples are ecologically friendly because they are organic, or that buying apple juice contained in TETRA PAK is something ecologically sound because it’s turned into furniture.
Producers provide the minimum legally requested information in the labels of their products. They know that many consumers nowadays would stop buying them if they knew the whole impact on the environment they had.
Sometimes producers are not aware of their own impact! The truth is that if it weren’t for actions made by ecologist groups during decades, producers would still be carrying on with their polluting activities.
Then there are of course uncaring consumers, who could not care less about recycling. They throw trash anywhere, never separate it, and don’t feel remorseful of their acts. This behavior is not as rare as we may think and is still going on. and we can’t blame the producers, it’s the consumer’s fault.
The other actors in this game are caring consumers that would even recycle more if they had the options. Happily, these amazing people know of this huge problem and are helping manufacturers transition to what is called a Circular Economy.
Unfortunately, not enough manufacturers are adopting this great model. The philosophy of the circular economy is the ultimate goal of any truly sustainable society where consumers and producers are socially responsible and work with nature, not against it.
The Blockchain Garbage Management System (BGMS) aims to offer incentives to consumers that recycle by using the blockchain for tracking their spendings and recycling habits.
The aim of BGMS is to be as truly independent of any corporation An option for this in the longterm is for it to be entirely managed by an autonomous artificial intelligence and completely blockchain-based.
It will reward recycling but also penalize the failure to do so. In today’s world, the consumer buys the product and is free to throw it away wherever they want. If they are conscious consumers they will choose, if available, a recycling container and help their environment.
Unfortunately, the consumer’s recycling habits cannot be tracked, but using the Global Blockchain Management System BGMS this could easily be achieved.
Here is a detailed list of the procedure according to a simple case scenario I have envisioned but may vary its operative adopting any other complementary technologies such as A.I.
You can use your BGMS smartphone app which is linked to your own BGMS id. When you take the can to the smart container you’ll be rewarded with tokens linked to that product recycling BGMS value!
What happens if a hacker wants to hack the system? If hackers ever tried to modify the chip information of a product’s nano RFID they would not succeed unless they compromised the manufacturer’s security. because only the manufacturer can change the RFID information after the product has been released to the public, it’s up to the manufacture to ensure the security of their BGMS compatible supply chain security.
Any change in the information is made public to the BGMS blockchain community and therefore anyone in the community can verify the data is correct and that the change is approved by the consensus rules.
The potential of BGMS technology for garbage disposal is enormous. My dream is to see the world working as a living organism in which humans are capable of living in symbiosis with it inside a circular economy.
We don’t really know where we are going as a species, all we can do is preserve our ecosystem. The Earth is our common mother, from whose womb we are born.
If you would like to take part in this project please don’t hesitate to contact me for further details about a collaboration. I am also open to any other projects that could be better than BGMS.
What would the world be today if no-one had ever denounced the lack of justice surrounding irresponsible or even criminal practices? Well probably hell on Earth! If no one had ever exposed the crimes against humanity done by Hitler in the 1930s, or its counter communist part Stalin? We would probably live in a truly Orwellian world where no one would have freedom of speech or thought.
Sadly, we are living in the capitalist equivalent of an Orwellian nightmare, where people are so free, they can buy and eat whatever crap they want and throw away their garbage unpunished, filling lands, oceans, and rivers with deadly chemicals, polluting our planet, and jeopardizing the future of our descendants. How irresponsible is that? Well, too much!
Remember that big supermarket chains have the ultimate responsibility in deciding which brands they sell. Many supermarkets have created their own brands to increase their profit margins with white labels, but they don’t do it to protect the environment at all. When will supermarkets start to cure their shelves in favor of socially responsible brands?
Their power is enormous, and the brands know and use all of their lobbyist resources to reach their goals and gain more distributors at all cost.
We, conscious consumers, who care for our planet need to lobby as well, and boycott with our buying decisions, but it seems this is a slow battle, and we need to take action in other ways, exposing the supermarkets who are accomplices to bad brands like Nutella, who is alone responsible for a large part of the Indonesian rainforests, habitat to orangutans, to be destroyed in order to plant palm oil. Palm oil which they use to make their product less expensive but still keep an attractive consistency in exchange for our natural biodiversity and the habitat of thousands of endangered species.
If supermarkets keep aiming at reducing costs at any social cost and without moral and legally binding obligations, with a shortsighted view of the future, the environment will keep suffering.
Imagine mountains of trash coming from a Carrefour supermarket every day. Banana plastic wraps that you take to your kitchen, from there, to trash landfills or incineration facilities or exported to a third world country to be discharged into the sea, very probably ending up in the food chain and sooner or later into breast milk fed to babies.
Studies have shown that nano plastics generate genetic and hereditary diseases not only in children but also in descendants. No wonder why there are more and more genetic hereditary sicknesses. For now, you may be lucky, but if the trend continues, by polluting our food chain you may find your family inheriting such diseases as well.
Another company that seems to have followed Carrefour’s bad practices is Mercadona. One only needs to walk around the fruit and groceries section to see how wrapped in plastic all their stuff is. What annoys me is when you read a sign saying you need plastic gloves to manipulate fruits.
Mercadona, how much more plastic do you want us to waste ?
When you buy bread, you also get the typical paper wrap with a small transparent plastic window. Really??? Is this really necessary? NO!
Our grandmothers did not need plastic to wrap the bread, so why do we?
Is it really so important to be able to see the bread inside? Can’t we just trust the supermrket and see it at home and if it’s not what we wanted, take it back or never buy it again?
This horrible practice can be observed in other supermarkets aswell, like BonPreu or Lidl. Bonpreu is a Catalan company proud to portray its Catalan origin by supporting local producers but does little to protect the environment from plastics, as they share similar bad practices as Mercadona.
The cashiers are still commanded to offer the plastic bags to the customers. This is also done at Carrefour and Mercadona . This tactic is perhaps aimed at generating extra income from the bags which are sold 5 cents each, adding an extra hundred thousand euros per month with this simple but polluting tactic.
Lidl is a German supermarket chain. German companies have the reputation of being greener than the rest, but this does not apply outside their borders most probably as you can see the same bad practices aswell.
The supermarkets are great accomplices of the socially irresponsible brands. They are the ones who help them to get to the public, and their decisions influence the consumers as well.The costs reduction strategies are always a highest priority for them and cutting out on waste management spending, their benefits are even higher for their investors.
If we select the brands which are the most socially responsible when we buy we can force the supermarkets to benefit them. Nonetheless in my opinion we should force them to comply with zero waste management systems reducing the use of single-use plastics, etc. Its up to us to reinforce the movement and gain public attention and influence if we want to create a healthier and greener future for our families.
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